It was a very interesting workshop which led to the creation of the drawing Feast for Beast. Fire. View from Below. (Feast of the beast. NATO bombing in 1999. fire. view from below) and did inspire some ideas for the projects that are coming.
U ponedeljak, 15.4.2019. održana je druga Radionica dubinskog crteža Gorana Stojčetovića u Galeriji Remont.
Organizacija: Udruženje Art Brut Serbia i Nezavisna umetnička asocijacija - REMONT.
Radionicu je snimala ekipa dokumentarnog filma Ane Otašević, radnog naslova ČOVEK PEVA POSLE RATA.
— with Nina Sumarac Jablonsky and 2 others

Text from
Goran Stojčetović is an artist who has dedicated his work to researching and understanding the psychological aspect of artistic creation. Through his personal artistic practice, he developed a special system, i.e., the relational technique of DEPTH DRAWING, which he has been practicing for several years in cooperation with a team of psychologists and psychiatrists at the Psychiatry Clinic of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
Depth Drawing art workshops are held as part of the regular treatment of patients at the Day Hospital and the Treated Psychosis Club of the Psychiatry Clinic of the Academy of Medical Sciences and have an important place in diagnostic and psychotherapeutic treatment....
“Through numerous art activities over the past twenty years, I have drawn with and talked to countless people of different profiles. I began to notice several general aspects of the creative act itself that are common to many people. Therefore, I designed a system of 'transformers' of creative energy through drawing, which are drawn out again and again in the daily life of a person and are used for developing and strengthening creative potential; facilitating a more flexible approach to life, and knowledge of unconscious visual systems that greatly influence quality, decisions, and attitudes in everyday life.” -Goran Stojčetović
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